This page is dedicated to articles that are pertinent for a shorter period than books and therefore will be deleted as newer ones come in. They may be in French or in English. If the links no longer work, as the articles appear on news websites that are regularly refreshed, please let me know in the comments below and I will delete or update them. Thank you!

5 Oct 2022
An article I wrote called "Sortons de nos addictions collectives" is included in this French magazine called 3e Millénaire. The magazine costs €7.90 and can be bought here if you are interested:
There is also a page on their website with interesting articles from other sources, by engaged voices of the Deep Ecology movement, such as Rupert Sheldrake and Vandana Shiva, translated into French and freely available. This high-quality magazine has been in existence for over 30 years, produced entirely by volunteers.
24 Sept 2022
Here is an article I wrote for the Deep Times Journal of the Work that Reconnects network, about the creation of some short films made with the intention of protecting the forest of Les Guilleries in Spain.
23 Sept 2022
Oh, why do we not talk more about this issue, so crucial for future generations?
I wholeheartedly agree with this article which mourns the money being spent on dangerous false solutions like nuclear energy.
NIES article
31 Aug 2022
Interesting article in French, on the website makesense on eco-enxiety becoming more widely understood as a normal reaction to the condition our world is in. Thanks to Charles R. for sending it to me.
23 Aug 2022
Super news from Reporterre, in French, about financial support for people wishing to align their professional lives with their personal values. Thanks to Hugo S. for sending this to me.
8 July 2022
Article in French about the phases of acceptance once we realise the ecological, social and political crises we are going through. Written by a friend, Charlotte Orliac, who is a coach who helps people who wish to reconcile their daily lives with their deeper values.
21 May 2022
Beautiful article in Trilogies, in French, which speaks of moving from a culture of fear, separation and domination to one of trust, unity and love. Michel Maxime Egger interviews Satish Kumar of the Schumacher College.
27 July 2020
Deep Adaptation The paper (revised edition from the original of 27 July 2017) which is at the root of the Deep Adaptation movement. Jem Bendell, the author, is one of the very frank writers on the question of what we need to prepare for. Following his acknowledgement that he, like many others he has observed, doesn't interpret the available data exclusively with logic but assimilates it and then chooses the story that he decides to live from. He thus states on page 19 his current position in 2020: "Currently I have chosen to interpret the information as indicating inevitable collapse, probably catastrophe and possible extinction." This paper details, among many other fascinating considerations, the roots of the original 4Rs of the Deep Adaptation agenda, which have now become 5 or 6Rs, depending on who you read, as the themes are naturally in constant evolution.
10 Oct 2019
An article by Chris Johnstone about how addressing depressing realities and taking action to lessen the negative impacts of climate change is a way of acting as a kind of planetary anti-depressant. Is the climate crisis affecting your mental health?
9 July 2017
The Uninhabitable Earth The article that gave me an electric shock and led, among other things, to my taking permaculture training and leaving my life in Paris with the desire to plant a forest-garden. Meeting The Work That Reconnects and Active Hope in May 2021 has allowed me to put all my energy behind my own response to the impact of this article.
Unknown date
A beautiful reflection from Lynne Twist, founder of the Pachamama Alliance, on the life-giving properties of money that is allowed to flow like water. Sent to me by my friend Alison, who knew I needed a new perspective on the subject! Thank you.
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