First of all, the Thanksgiving Address "the words that come before all else", as generously shared with us by the Huadenoshonee (or Iroquois) people. Their tradition of expressing gratitude before beginning the day, or any important meeting and conversation, is a model for living on a foundation of profound wisdom, remaining aware of the deeper reality that connects us all. In the link shared above, there are links to other versions and other references; there are many sources and variations on this address. Onondaga Faithkeeper Oren Lyons said, "It's supposed to be shared .... We've been waiting for five hundred years for people to listen. If they'd understood the Thanksgiving Address, then we wouldn't be in this mess."

Deep thanks to many people who have helped me to reach the flow state where my innate trust in Life is a constant foundation and informs all of my choices, making most of them easier!
These are people and associations who have given me concrete experience of what it means to be a part of widening circles.
Joanna Macy
The Work That Reconnects
Roseaux Dansants
Active Hope Training
Thanks also to the Gare Centrale training which is helping me learn how to use YesWiki to create this website and an upcoming one that is destined for collaborative work together on the French adaptation of the Active Hope Training.
Loving thanks to all my friends and family who are constant sources of inspiration and support.
And finally, immense gratitude and love for my companion Pedro who trusts me totally in my multifarious projects, inspires me with his wisdom and humour, and joins me in plotting never-ending new adventures!
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