Welcome !
This website still serves a purpose as an aid to French and English speakers wishing to build bridges between deep ecology information in both languages. However, most of my editing energy is now going into a new website, which I invite you to discover. The purpose of the new website is to create a collaborative space where those interested can join me in adapting Chris Johnstone's Active Hope Foundations Training into French. There are also spaces for sharing events and resources, for those registered as users on the website. If you are curious, take a look at: EchosdelaTerre.earth
The purpose of this DEEP website is to facilitate the access to Deep Ecology resources that are in English, to people speaking other languages. My contacts are principally with French and Spanish speakers, but all language speakers are welcome to participate!
There is so much happening now at an international level that is interesting to all of us, as the Great Turning starts to make itself felt … and a lot of it is in English. So I want to do everything I can to make it easy to follow, listen and participate in these exciting new developments.
It is easy to be intimidated by the drama of our polarised world, and it is so encouraging to be connected with others who hold life sacred, to weather this storm together and realise the empowerment of honouring life together.
I wish to add my drop of water to the fountain of Active Hope by facilitating the practice of English in the context of Deep Ecology.

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