Dressing up for a date
What You Should Bear in Mind While Dating Online
Tips for the Younger Dating the Older
Tips on What You Shouldn’t Do on a Date
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And maybe that’s our real strength – we know reality trumps wishful thinking. We just have to be sure to rub the wishful-thinkers’ noses in it. This works on a personal level as well as a societal one.
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Elusive Wapiti January 29, 2011 at 07:55
I had a similar experience to this, only at my own church. I was so bent out of shape about it, I wrote a letter to the youth pastor (I was a volunteer in the children’s play area), and after about 3 months of internal debate, the policy was changed to a more sex neutral stance.
In both cases–the one described above and with my church–I strongly suspect the culprit were women who think all men are child molesters.
Bravo for pushing back as you did. While we may lose occasionally, as in the case of Quantas and BA, calling out blatant misandry often has the effect of making the business change policy.
Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 0
What You Should Bear in Mind While Dating Online
Tips for the Younger Dating the Older
Tips on What You Shouldn’t Do on a Date
Some More Important Tips on Physical Dating
Tips For The Long Distance Relationships
How to Write Your First Online Dating E-mail
And maybe that’s our real strength – we know reality trumps wishful thinking. We just have to be sure to rub the wishful-thinkers’ noses in it. This works on a personal level as well as a societal one.
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Elusive Wapiti January 29, 2011 at 07:55
I had a similar experience to this, only at my own church. I was so bent out of shape about it, I wrote a letter to the youth pastor (I was a volunteer in the children’s play area), and after about 3 months of internal debate, the policy was changed to a more sex neutral stance.
In both cases–the one described above and with my church–I strongly suspect the culprit were women who think all men are child molesters.
Bravo for pushing back as you did. While we may lose occasionally, as in the case of Quantas and BA, calling out blatant misandry often has the effect of making the business change policy.
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