Protecting Life

I feel deep gratitude for the welcome I received from the forest of Les Guilleries. It is the forest which surrounds the La Fradera Centre, where the association Transalquimia propose Deep Ecology workshops of many kinds.

image Guilleriescascade.jpeg (4.4MB)
Guilleries cascade

In 2021 I did my first Work That Reconnects workshop there: La Espiral del Tiempo Profundo. The following summer I experienced the deep inner renewal of a Vision Quest. In the autumn another Work That Reconnects workshop called El Consejo de los Seres de la Naturaleza. And finally the training to be a facilitator of the work That Reconnects, led by Roseaux Dansants in partnership with Transalquimia.

This forest is in grave danger from a project to install 37 high-tension electricity pylons, despite European Commission directives to protect many species and habitats which will be endangered by the plan, a scheme that is totally inappropriate for the real needs.

With a team of fellow facilitators, we made a first call-to-action film to help draw attention to the need to defend the fragilised ecosystems of this forest. We are currently working on a second film.

Please, if you feel drawn to do so, watch the film linked in below, share it and sign the petition indicated at the end of the video.

If you wish to help us defending this precious forest, let me know! Video editing, composing, sound designing, animation and many other skills are most welcome on upcoming projects.

Thank you in advance for the forest.

The film exists in English, French, Spanish and Catalan.

Save Forest. Save Life.
Sauvons la Nature. Sauvons la Vie.
Salvemos la Naturaleza. Salvemos la Vida.
Salvem la Natura. Salvem la Vida.

And here is the petition if you feel drawn to sign it.
The forest thanks you.

PS !

24 Sept 2022
A little addition today, here is an article I wrote for the Deep Times Journal of the Work that Reconnects network, about the creation of these short films made with the intention of protecting the forest of Les Guilleries in Spain.