Nuclear Guardianship
The principles of Nuclear Guardianship emerged from a study group on radioactive waste that Joanna Macy initiated in 1988. To read the backstory on this, read her book Widening Circles and the chapter near the end called Poison Fire. There are also many references in the book called A Wild Love for the World. The list of Joanna Macy's books can be found here.
The Nuclear Guardianship ethic is written down in 10 principles on the website of the Naropa institute, in the section for the Joanna Macy Center for Resilience and Regeneration.
I am so grateful for this work that respects the generations coming after us. I am horrified by the irresponsibility of my own generation that has left so much toxic waste for future beings and in addition, attempted to hide that waste, making it more difficult to contain.
I am inspired by this article published in the Deep Times journal of the Work That Reconnects. Maki Tajima talks of Fukushima Learning Journeys she has accompanied with Bob Stilger in Japan, using the framework of Active Hope. In a culture where expressing your pain is not encouraged, I find this so touching. Thank you Maki, for sharing this.
I wish to do everything I can to leave a planet where these long-lasting toxins can be contained and monitored, so that future generations of all species can live safely. I wish to contribute to the purification and preservation of all the elements, as best I can.
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