If you have not yet signed this petition, please do!
We wish to save the forest of Les Guilleries in Spain from invasion by high-voltage electricity pylons that are totally incoherent with the energy needs of the region.
We made this film to support the petition that we will be sending to the European Commission to denounce the flagrant disregard for these fragile areas, protected by European regulations.
Please, watch, sign and share massively!
Thank you so much.
This forest is precious to me and many other beings of all kinds.
Music by Emmanuel Blanc
Editing by Andy Redwood
Link to sign the petition:
Tuesday 15 March
8pm in France & Spain
Climate Change as Spiritual Practice
An opportunity to share with others who see the current crisis as an initiatory threshold for humanity.
Wednesday 16 March
8pm in France & Spain
The Great Turning Experiment
“Future generations, if there is a liveable world for them, will look back on this epochal transition we are making to a life-affirming society. And they may well call this the time of The Great Turning.” ~ Joanna Macy
Thursday 7 April
Toulouse, France
6:30pm in France
Sharing our Love for Life
Inner Transition, a moment to step back and let our sensibilities rise to the surface to be celebrated and shared.
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