Robert, Henriette, Alfred and Quentin
Contacts & address
Phone number :
Email address :
Post Code :
City :
La Baume
Country :
Who's coming?
Number of adults :
Number of children :
How long are you coming for? :
Wedn night 24th till Sunday 28th
Travel & transportation
How are you going to travel? :
private car
If you're coming by car, is there space for other people? :
My/our choice :
camping with my/our own tent
Any special dietary requirements? :
No, I eat everything
Contributing and questions
Your ideas :
Rob would love to, as always :-) , synthesise the event with a film recording involving stop motion and delightful moments.
Hen would love to organise collective reading of stories (in all languages) in the evenings for the children or whenever this slots in best into the programme.
If you need interpreting support Hen's very happy to whisper or interpret French to English or the other way round if this helps at all.
Also, this goes without saying really, but you are warmly invited to our mountain cabin any time but if you would like to come this Summer and enjoy the peace and tranquility without overenthusiastic morribakers pouncing on you we will be away from 9th - 20th August. It's here : This is a link to a lovely refuge above the house too :
All love xxxx
Hen would love to organise collective reading of stories (in all languages) in the evenings for the children or whenever this slots in best into the programme.
If you need interpreting support Hen's very happy to whisper or interpret French to English or the other way round if this helps at all.
Also, this goes without saying really, but you are warmly invited to our mountain cabin any time but if you would like to come this Summer and enjoy the peace and tranquility without overenthusiastic morribakers pouncing on you we will be away from 9th - 20th August. It's here : This is a link to a lovely refuge above the house too :
All love xxxx
Your questions or comments :
How do we become godparents of a tree? We would love to do this xxx