Myriam Bouré & Olivier Krener

Contacts & address

Phone number : +33677005995
Email address :
Post Code : 26400
City : Crest
Country : France

Who's coming?

Number of adults : 2
Number of children : none
How long are you coming for? : Friday night 26th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? : If everything goes right we will be 2,5 ;-)

Travel & transportation

How are you going to travel? : Car-sharing


My/our choice : I/we will book a room in a guest house/hotel nearby


Any special dietary requirements? : No, I eat everything

Contributing and questions

Your ideas : If you need some logistics help on site, or facilitation to some activity, count on me ! Or even some "ice breaking" activity to make people talk to one another, or... i can be a sober driver as well (yes, because 2,5 ;-) and happy to help cleaning, and preparing stuff