Jessica Parfrey

Contacts & address

Phone number : 8054531929
Post Code : 93109
City : Santa Barbara
Country : United States

Who's coming?

Number of adults : 2
Number of children : 1
How long are you coming for? : Wedn night 24th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? : We will likely be arriving in Paris on the morning of the 23rd, and then take the train to Luzy.

Travel & transportation

How are you going to travel? : Airplane


My/our choice : Other / don't know yet


Any special dietary requirements? : No, I eat everything

Contributing and questions

Your ideas : We want to be as helpful as possible! Please put us to work if needed! Jessica is happy to provide a playlist, and design a ritual to help us stay connected to each other,the land, and our dreams for the future. Easton loves good music, painting, and encouraging games of hide and seek. Daniel loves good conversation and making drinks.