Jesse Smith

Contacts & address

Phone number : 1 805 689 0426
Email address :
Post Code : 93105
City : Santa Barbara
Country : United States

Who's coming?

Number of adults : 2
Number of children : 1
How long are you coming for? : Wedn night 24th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? : Fly into London, going to travel by plain, train or auto to France.

Travel & transportation

How are you going to travel? : Airplane


My/our choice : I/we will book a room in a guest house/hotel nearby


Any special dietary requirements? : No, I eat everything
Other : As long as I know who grew it, and how they grew it :)

Contributing and questions

Your ideas : We would happy to provide any help with drinks, food or floral foraging in the lead up to the event.
Your questions or comments : We're excited to be there