Ingrid Bauer/ Jean-Claude Catry

Contacts & address

Phone number : 2506539122
Email address :
Post Code : V8K 1W4
City : Salt Spring Island
Country : CA

Who's coming?

Number of adults : 4
Number of children : 1
How long are you coming for? : Friday night 26th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? : We're excited to come! It's still unclear what our plans are and how we'll feel at the time but right now Friday night to Sunday morning seems best

Travel & transportation

How are you going to travel? : private car
If you're coming by car, is there space for other people? : NO


My/our choice : camping with my/our own tent


Any special dietary requirements? : Other needs or various cases in family (please give details below !)
Other : Ayden and Bailey eat most things; Jean-Claude is grain-free/gluten-free; Ingrid eats mostly vegetables and meat with no grains/no beans

Contributing and questions

Your ideas : We may bring a song and music. We'd like to contribute financially too.
Your questions or comments : I feel a little anxious about the fancy dress! We don't really have this kind of clothes anyways, and will also be traveling with limited options.