Harriet Friedmann

Contacts & address

Phone number : +14168760600
Post Code : M5S2K3
City : Toronto
Country : Canada

Who's coming?

Number of adults : 1
Number of children : none
How long are you coming for? : Wedn night 24th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? : I would be grateful for a room in the chateau. No expectations!

Travel & transportation

How are you going to travel? : Airplane


My/our choice : Other / don't know yet


Any special dietary requirements? : No, I eat everything

Contributing and questions

Your ideas : I’m thrilled to be invited to this wonderful celebration. I can camp if I can have help with a tent — I can bring a sleeping bag. But I am probably among your older guests, so if you can spare a room in the chateau, much appreciated. If you can’t, I may book a room off site and hope there will be rides.