Deirdre Mullins

Contacts & address

Phone number : 07800577802
Email address :
Post Code : n/a
City : Dublin
Country : Ireland

Who's coming?

Number of adults : 1
Number of children : none
How long are you coming for? : Saturday noon 27th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? : I'm so sorry but Max can't come - his best friend from school is getting married the same weekend in Italy!

Travel & transportation

How are you going to travel? : Other / not sure yet


My/our choice : I/we will book a room in a guest house/hotel nearby


Any special dietary requirements? : Vegetarian

Contributing and questions

Your ideas : I've been chatting to Becky, but I'm really excited to talk (listen really) to fellow guests about the most effective steps we can take (perhaps discussing the most effective groups currently in operation) to push tipping pts in terms of climate change action. Could people give their 'TED' talk? Or could there be themed discussions? I feel there are a lot of highly knowledgeable people coming and I'd love to hear about their rich experience in a focused way, augmenting the informal chats on walks etc. Becky P is one hell of an interviewer #justsaying and would make an amazing facilitator. But no pressure - just an idea!! : )