Nora & Anselm
Contacts & address
Phone number :
Email address :
Post Code :
City :
Country :
Who's coming?
Number of adults :
Number of children :
How long are you coming for? :
Wedn night 24th till Sunday 28th
Any comments here? :
OK fine, we'll come for ALL FOUR DAYS !! ;)
Travel & transportation
How are you going to travel? :
private car
If you're coming by car, is there space for other people? :
My/our choice :
Other / don't know yet
Any special dietary requirements? :
Other needs or various cases in family (please give details below !)
Other :
Anselm eats everything, Nora doesn't eat gluten.
Contributing and questions
Your ideas :
Ideas: (Nora:) for those who are interested, I could offer a nature observation session one morning. Or / and little experiental exercise from Joanna Macy's work, author of "Active Hope" (also called "The work that reconnects").
Comment: We are quite excited, really looking forward to reading the first answers ! And I hope that you will all fill-out fast, so that we get a sense of numbers and start organizing accomodation on-site to best fit everyone's needs !
Comment: We are quite excited, really looking forward to reading the first answers ! And I hope that you will all fill-out fast, so that we get a sense of numbers and start organizing accomodation on-site to best fit everyone's needs !