Andrew Langford and Liora Adler
Contacts & address
Phone number :
+44 7365191567
Email address :
Post Code :
City :
Rumsey, CA.
Country :
Who's coming?
Number of adults :
Number of children :
How long are you coming for? :
other (I'll be in touch)
Any comments here? :
Sending you both deep love and gratitude for sharing this joyful event with us.
Travel & transportation
How are you going to travel? :
Public transport (train, bus)
My/our choice :
Other / don't know yet
Any special dietary requirements? :
Gluten free
Contributing and questions
Your ideas :
Salsa dancing (I could "teach" if folks are up for that) Do you need me to bring music? Format?
Your questions or comments :
Considering everything I think it would be best if we had a room on site or nearby. Is that still possible? Since you know us we are open to your suggestions. We are likely going to already be in Europe (England? Wales?) Transport suggestions would also be great. So stoked about this!! Bravo!