Hello there !

Welcome in the Multilogie project supported by la Touche Ludique.

Multilogie is a suite of seven games playable without any material.
Most of them can be played only with a classic card game (52 cards),
Others by printing A4 pages, but nothing to cut.
Best of them will get their chances to be available in shops.

It needed 7 years of conception, so an average of a game a year, counting tests, reforges, disapointment of different kind, moment of pure joy too.

I now let you unlock this game to the world :
If you like any of them, please feel free to thank the author by supporting the project with the amount of your choice. Each gift is amazing. Even the smallest quantity represents a strong symbol for the author as well as the community itself.

For each level corresponds a invisible total. Once reached, this total unlock the associated game.
There are 7 of them accessible so far and some of them will be extended.
There are also a dream level : if this level is once reached, it would mean the community is ready to co-create a game with the author.

Each game is playable without any material, so you do not need to buy anything to play.

For each game exists a category.
The author initiate this classification which starts from one player cooperative games, sharing, competitives, hyperintense, cerebral and serious games : games playable on a big scale.

Each of them will be available in french and english.
Translation in other languages can be done if the community supports it.

Thank you for reading =)

(this page is the only one translated so far)
Lien vers: PagePrincipale

Licences and royalties
Game Enduring
Digital Nomad


Comments are publicly editable by anyone at anytime. Project ideology is not necessarly related.