American Inmates Dating
How to Avoid New Relationship Weight Gain
How to Save Your Relationship if You Have Gained Weight
Top 5 Reasons Why He Lost Interest While Looking at Your Online Dating Profile
Why I lost interest on the guy that I was dating
Online Dating Profile Pictures – A Case Study
10 Good First Date Suggestions (and 4 first date “don’ts”)
5 Rules for Rebounding from a Relationship Right
Will Letting Your Man Sleep with Other Women Help Your Relationship?

Like I said, this blog/ “study” was just more White people propganda leaning more in favor of White men as the “be all end all” to womens desires. LMAO. If this is how White people have to feel good about themselves (stupid bogus unfounded “RESEARCH”), then so be it. They probably need it more than anyone else is my guess.

I am almost inclined to believe these kinds of studies are not necessarily accurate but serve to promote White on White mating since Whites numbers have been falling quite drastically. Its a desperate measure attempt to make Whites feel they are “missing out” if they don’t prefer one another since “EVERY OTHER RACE ON PLANET” wants them and no one else (according to this study). LOL LOL LOL

December 3, 2009 at 4:09 pm
(From a Black Man)

Black Men.. This message is for you. I would stay away from the White Girls that you find online. It seems the ones online have issues or reduced options.

Offline, the White Women that are attracted to me, seem to be quality white women, in that they are attractive, slim, young, single and without kids..

But from my experiences, just the opposite seems to be true Online…
I cant even begin to tell you, how many white women that’s shown interest in me online, that are Fat, Have a bunch of Mix and White Kids, Are Past their Prime, Have some sort of Black Dik Fixation, or Some Hip-Hop Fixation, Are and Want to Cheat on their White Husbands… The List goes on…