Addicted To Love
Does Marriage Destroy Relationships?
How to Tell If Someone Is Marriage Material
Emotional Affairs: Are They Right or Wrong?
Casual Sex After Divorce
Read the Signs: You’ll Get Lucky
The Numbers Game: Do You Judge Your Partner Based on His/Her Sexual Past?
It’s Complicated: When (And When Not) to Update your Relationship Status on Facebook
How to Break up With Someone With Style And Grace
Although this can’t be seen as directly racist or sexist it is inolving race and gender so in an indirect way it is racist and sexist.
There was also seemingly an unobjective criticisms of “white males” I am a “white male” and I agree with the criticism of “white males” but not because I’m of a different race. I agree with the crticism because it may be true and because I have a different mind set than average. I agree mostly with the criticism of “males” and not because I am envious. If another race was getting more attention can we really say that those men would not be the same way as”white males” are now?
I think if the objective here is truely non racist in every way, and truely about Match%, then it should deal with Mind set,behaviour, and social skills and not race. WHo can argue with that?
I am what is considered a very deep individual who is slightly eccentric. I never got responses and it has nothing to do with my looks and I am white and I respond to almost every one. Accept for those who seem desperate because it does not seem healthy and it seems opportunistic and/or goal orineted and possibly not because of “Love” and genuine interest in me as a person.
Ultimately I think that human beings can not be reduced to numbers
and percentages and certainly not some old Roman pagan practice. We escaped that long ago. Separation of church and state should be applied here.
Think with you hearts some times and not with your heads all the time.
Does Marriage Destroy Relationships?
How to Tell If Someone Is Marriage Material
Emotional Affairs: Are They Right or Wrong?
Casual Sex After Divorce
Read the Signs: You’ll Get Lucky
The Numbers Game: Do You Judge Your Partner Based on His/Her Sexual Past?
It’s Complicated: When (And When Not) to Update your Relationship Status on Facebook
How to Break up With Someone With Style And Grace
Although this can’t be seen as directly racist or sexist it is inolving race and gender so in an indirect way it is racist and sexist.
There was also seemingly an unobjective criticisms of “white males” I am a “white male” and I agree with the criticism of “white males” but not because I’m of a different race. I agree with the crticism because it may be true and because I have a different mind set than average. I agree mostly with the criticism of “males” and not because I am envious. If another race was getting more attention can we really say that those men would not be the same way as”white males” are now?
I think if the objective here is truely non racist in every way, and truely about Match%, then it should deal with Mind set,behaviour, and social skills and not race. WHo can argue with that?
I am what is considered a very deep individual who is slightly eccentric. I never got responses and it has nothing to do with my looks and I am white and I respond to almost every one. Accept for those who seem desperate because it does not seem healthy and it seems opportunistic and/or goal orineted and possibly not because of “Love” and genuine interest in me as a person.
Ultimately I think that human beings can not be reduced to numbers
and percentages and certainly not some old Roman pagan practice. We escaped that long ago. Separation of church and state should be applied here.
Think with you hearts some times and not with your heads all the time.