American Inmates Dating
How to Avoid New Relationship Weight Gain
How to Save Your Relationship if You Have Gained Weight
Top 5 Reasons Why He Lost Interest While Looking at Your Online Dating Profile
Why I lost interest on the guy that I was dating
Online Dating Profile Pictures – A Case Study
10 Good First Date Suggestions (and 4 first date “don’ts”)
5 Rules for Rebounding from a Relationship Right
Will Letting Your Man Sleep with Other Women Help Your Relationship?
Here’s the deal here: Most interracial topic blogs, magazines, shows and movies simply exist for profit / fame / popularity. The point is not to provide accurate information, but to confirm already preconceived notions. That’s called “appealing to the audience”, which is similar to making a happy ending to a movie. People come to interracial blogs like this one to see if their suspicions are true, and one thing the host doesn’t want to do is disappoint. Seriously people, stop believing everything you see, hear and read and actually think for yourselves.
In the U.S., how long has anti-black racism existed? If you said “Ever since this country was first created up until now”, then you’d be correct. Don’t think for a moment that the creators of propaganda via any form of media (from small blogs and websites to large motion pictures) don’t want to do some sort of harm to the images of people of color (that’s including black, asian, hispanic, native american, etc.) through negative portrayals of each group. This “research” (LOL) would have everyone to believe that MOST people of color adore whites, when from my real-life experiences (not some crap written on a blog which for all we know could be made up) isn’t true in the least.
Most people I’ve seen and know personally date and marry their own race only, that’s how it is, that’s how it’s going to stay. White men are not seen as desirable to the large majority of black women that I come across here in america, and most black men I have dealt with only want black/latina women. Asian women aren’t as “gaga” over white men as the media would like everyone to believe. If that were the case, they wouldn’t marry asian men the majority of time.
How to Avoid New Relationship Weight Gain
How to Save Your Relationship if You Have Gained Weight
Top 5 Reasons Why He Lost Interest While Looking at Your Online Dating Profile
Why I lost interest on the guy that I was dating
Online Dating Profile Pictures – A Case Study
10 Good First Date Suggestions (and 4 first date “don’ts”)
5 Rules for Rebounding from a Relationship Right
Will Letting Your Man Sleep with Other Women Help Your Relationship?
Here’s the deal here: Most interracial topic blogs, magazines, shows and movies simply exist for profit / fame / popularity. The point is not to provide accurate information, but to confirm already preconceived notions. That’s called “appealing to the audience”, which is similar to making a happy ending to a movie. People come to interracial blogs like this one to see if their suspicions are true, and one thing the host doesn’t want to do is disappoint. Seriously people, stop believing everything you see, hear and read and actually think for yourselves.
In the U.S., how long has anti-black racism existed? If you said “Ever since this country was first created up until now”, then you’d be correct. Don’t think for a moment that the creators of propaganda via any form of media (from small blogs and websites to large motion pictures) don’t want to do some sort of harm to the images of people of color (that’s including black, asian, hispanic, native american, etc.) through negative portrayals of each group. This “research” (LOL) would have everyone to believe that MOST people of color adore whites, when from my real-life experiences (not some crap written on a blog which for all we know could be made up) isn’t true in the least.
Most people I’ve seen and know personally date and marry their own race only, that’s how it is, that’s how it’s going to stay. White men are not seen as desirable to the large majority of black women that I come across here in america, and most black men I have dealt with only want black/latina women. Asian women aren’t as “gaga” over white men as the media would like everyone to believe. If that were the case, they wouldn’t marry asian men the majority of time.