Game Enduring

Game Enduring is the creation of handmade custimizable algorithms made to test the most extreme limits of a board game.

Here is an example.

Let imagine two players with two hands like this : 9 King 2 and 4 10 Jack
If both shuffle their hands and fight in a classic bataille, would you tell in a glance who has the most chance to win ?
No ? Me neither.
But a Game Enduring can in a blink of an eye.

Now let imagine a much more commplicated game an advanced or beginner author want to endure. He may want to know if this card is overpowered, or this one useless. Or even if the game can have a stuck situation. Game Enduring allow the editor or author to test autonomously huge amount of configuration he wants in a couple of seconds for a very precise result.

Game Enduring is perfect to be sure to have a balance game before editing and so avoid to waste thousand of hours.

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300 € a day including VAT (To help estimating, bataille would take less than half a day of developpement )
Specific prices for beginner authors
Free quote. Single person company
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