10 Important Tips for Men
Honeymoon Do’s
Landing A Good Man: Be A “Banquet Girl”!
How To Avoid Low-Quality Men!
10 Benefits of Being Female
Top 6 Common Dating Mistakes Women Make
Submission must be earned
The Cosmic Law of Attraction

It’s undeniable that women’s roles in society have changed drastically in the recent years. Women are no longer expected to remain in the kitchen rearing young. Instead, college enrollment demographics are generally at least 50% female. Women put off having children longer and longer in order to focus on their careers. More and more women are simply not having children at all. Many families have a woman who brings home the biggest paycheck; many also have a woman as the only working partner. With women taking on what is traditionally viewed as a more “masculine” role in society, it’s no wonder that men are becoming more like women. All of a sudden, males are the partners arriving late to a date because they were busy grooming themselves. New toiletries are being marketed exclusively to males, not to help them get clean, but to help soften their skin, make them smell good, or simply make them prettier.