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Even Gaga Would Call it a “Bad Romance”

cattgirl813's avatar
wrote on February 8 2010 @ 01:17 pm: [report]

Valentine’s Day was fun when I was a kid, but as I got older I came to the realization that you don’t need one day to show the people you love how much you love them. You can do it everyday - and without gross little heart shaped chalky candies to boot. I don’t celebrate it anymore, but now I have to deal with people telling me I’m cynical because I don’t. It’s okay because I just pelt them with those heart shaped chalk pellets.

LunaLena 's avatar
wrote on February 8 2010 @ 01:19 pm: [report]

I like it because I can get massive amounts of chocolate and pastries cheap the day after. :D

If you like Valentine’s Day, have fun, but I don’t like it myself. But if you’re going to celebrate it, I like Long-Bones’s method.

CheeeeEEEEse 's avatar
wrote on February 8 2010 @ 01:22 pm: [report]

@Taurwen: Preface anything with “St.” and my attention goes elsewhere.

My take on it: It’s silly, but not in the silly fun way.

Lexington's avatar
wrote on February 8 2010 @ 01:25 pm: [report]

@Luna- pastries? You should not have put that idea in my head. wink