The Free Animation Cinema Network around the World




LILA Associative micro-studio deeply involved in the programmation of the GIMP software. Produces short and feature films only using free software on very tight budget.
Autour de Minuit Independant producer using a wide ranges of Linux computers. Produces short films with various softwares including Blender.


Les Fées Spéciales Cooperative studio putting a lot efforts onto research and developpment in the free software domain. They run mostly free software on linux to produce short and institutionnal movies and offer technical solutions for the making of some features films.
Movoscope Small companie offering formation and blender-made institutionnal films on demand.



Theory International team producing short films, VR apps or series episode on demand with Blender.

Russian Federation


Morevna Project Based in the "Adamant" school of art, Morvena project maintains or is involved into the programmation of various softwares such as Open Toonz and Synfig . They teach and use free software only. They produce a webserie and several short films, mostly with the young students of the school.


The Netherlands


Blender Studio Headquaters of the blender institute units for CGI animation production. They produce short films in order to test the software for further developpement and show the rest of the world what Blender is capable of.



Khara studio Recently moved their whole 3D pipeline to Blender as Grease pencil appeared. They produce feature films, series, live action films and video games.