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If you are not sure if your baby can last without any additional feeds during the night, you won't know till you try it. It is worth trying to settle your baby without a feed and see if she can go back to sleep with a some additional warm bedding, cuddle, patting, dummy or another settling technique. It can seem challenging to follow safer sleep advice when you are very tired and it may be tempting to do something different. Following safer sleep advice for every sleep; day and night, is key to reducing the chance of SIDS. Unfortunately, for some babies, doing something different such as sleeping a baby on their tummy on one occasion can put them at risk. Keep pillows, sheets, blankets away from your baby or any other items that could obstruct your baby’s breathing or cause them to overheat. A high proportion of infants who die as a result of SIDS are found with their head covered by loose bedding. If your child has started weaning, ensure a good balanced diet. If there are sleep problems, ensure they are not intolerant to any foods. Wind, bloating, cramping, skin problems, grey areas under the eyes can all be indicators of an intolerance. SIDS is more likely if parents co-sleep after drinking or taking drugs; having an open conversation can help them to understand why they should be very careful not to fall asleep with their baby after drinking or taking drugs. Drink and drugs also affect normal functioning and decision-making. If you want baby to learn to sleep independently though it’s best to move feed a little earlier so they don’t have that association to sleep which can mean they will look for it each time they wake.

During the critical developmental years, new daily experiences can cause baby to construct new things to worry about, to be aware of, to think about and to be afraid of. In other words, baby’s daytime stressors can impact nighttime sleep. And that means baby craves the comfort only you can provide. Newborns won't sleep through the night because they need to eat frequently. In fact, two to four hours at a time is about as long as you can expect your brand new baby to sleep during those early weeks and months — depending on whether you're breastfeeding, formula-feeding or both. Your baby will soon start to go down for longer stretches and eventually through the night, and you will get your sleep back again. Newborns move from periods of light and deep sleep very quickly. Thankfully, as your little one closes in on four months old or so, her nap periods will become longer. But you don’t have to wait that long. You will be able to enjoy basic hygiene rituals once again. Sleep consultants support hundreds of families every year, assisting with things such as 4 month sleep regression using gentle, tailored methods.

# Daytime Mellowing

Don’t worry if you’re stuck on the phone when your baby launches into a tirade. A minute of crying doesn’t cause mental trauma. But studies show that repeatedly ignored cries are a real stress that can undermine an infant’s core confidence. This confidence—what child experts call attachment—is the glue that holds good families together. By three or four months, most babies’ brains are mature enough to sleep for at least a six-hour stretch without needing to be fed. But if you insist that sleeping through the night means snoozing from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M., you’ll need all the routines I describe in the next two chapters. Without that help, up to 30 percent of infants still can’t sleep eight hours straight by their first birthday. Any time between the age of 6 months and 3 years old your baby’s night-time sleep might be affected by separation anxiety, a normal phase in your child’s emotional development. This is when your child becomes clingy and cries if you leave the room, which might make sleep training more challenging. Learn more about separation anxiety and strategies for coping with it. If your child is still nursing or bottle-feeding, their final feeding should occur thirty minutes before bedtime (unless feeding your baby usually takes longer than ten to fifteen minutes, in which case start about forty minutes before bedtime). A baby’s first year of life is filled with a great number of milestones. Sleeping through the night on a regular basis may be one that parents look forward to the most. If you need guidance on ferber method then let a sleep consultant support you in unlocking your child's potential, with their gentle, empathetic approach to sleep.

Sleep regression can happen at any time while your child is a baby or toddler. In fact, older children and even adults have periods of restless sleep too. Some parents have found that their baby’s sleep patterns tend to get disrupted between 6 and 9 months old when babies go through a series of growth spurts. A regular bedtime ritual creates a sense of comfort that can be especially helpful during trying sleep periods for you and your baby, such as when you're sleep training (which you can try between 4 and 6 months old) or when your baby is going through a sleep regression. This helps your baby learn to fall to sleep without your help. It's best for your baby to be sleepy and relaxed when they are placed in the cot. You don't need to wait for your child to be asleep before putting him or her to bed. Once a baby is 4 months old, you can begin doing some sleep training if it suits your family. This can look different for everyone, but the most important piece is that you have your pediatrician’s okay, and that parents choose a method that they’re comfortable with and can be consistent with for at least 2 weeks. When people talk about sleep regression, they are usually referring to when your child starts waking up during the night and has trouble falling back asleep. There are many causes, and the triggers could be different at different stages of a child’s development. The gentle approach and caring manner of a baby sleep expert allows them to assist you in the most preferable way to deal with gentle sleep training and to assist you and your family in any way possible.

# Early Bedtime Is Better

If you can, leave home just after nap time to make sure that your little one is wide awake and ready for the day’s activities. If they do fall asleep on the way, no worries! Just let that nap happen and focus on the next one. Let baby sleep, get them up when they wake, and shorten their next wake time by 15-30 minutes to make up for extra tiredness if they only took a short nap. Think about what kind of day they’ve had so far: have you had lots of face-to-face contact with your baby, have you talked lots to them, have they had some fresh air, have they played/sat up/practised their new skills? It may be you’ve both simply had too quiet a day! In the early months of life, swaddling may help baby sleep more soundly and for longer stretches. It works for some babies in the first several months, but sometimes not for others. There are all sorts of reasons why your baby may be waking through the night which will disturb your sleep too – and there isn’t one single answer to this question. There is a mismanaged expectation that little one’s sleep through the night once they reach a certain age, weight or start weaning. A bedtime routine may seem like a laugh when your child is newborn. And it is. But at around two months according to my experience, it is possible to get into a routine that makes your baby want to go to sleep at around the same time every night. If you're looking for a compassionate, effective and evidence-based approach to sleep or just advice on one thing like sleep training then a baby sleep specialist will be able to help you.

If your older baby wakes up continually during the night avoid picking them up immediately. Leave it a few minutes to see if they go back to sleep. Newborns should be placed skin-to-skin with their mother as soon after birth as possible, at least for the first hour. After that, or when the mother needs to sleep or cannot do skin-to-skin, babies should be placed on their backs in the cot. A ‘good’ or ‘contented’ baby in Western society, it seems, is a comatose baby, and the management of infant sleep is one of the first areas of parenting by which new mothers and fathers are judged by others. It is not surprising then that infant sleep issues are a source of anxiety and frustration for many parents. As your baby grows, they may find it more difficult to settle as they learn to crawl, and develop an awareness of people and things that exist out of their sight. This is why they might begin crying out for you more often, or develop separation anxiety. This is all quite natural, as your baby is beginning to understand the world around them more. High-need babies are notoriously resistant to mechanical mother substitutes and will usually protest anything less than the real mom. Before you actually spend money on a swing, you might want to borrow one for a week or two to see if the spell of the swing will last. You may discover that you are uncomfortable with mechanical mothering and decide to get more creative. Still, swings have their moments. For sleep regression guidance it may be useful to enlist the services of a sleep consultant.

# Ensuring A Safe Night’s Sleep For Your Baby

Balancing how to respond to night wakings and the need for night feedings is something to discuss with your baby’s health care provider when you are working on sleep training. Chances are, you're not putting your babies to sleep in the same position your parents put you to sleep in - and possibly not even the same position that your older friends put their children to sleep in when they were infants. If they have been overstimulated in the lead up to bedtime, baby could get themselves to the point of being overtired and it can be really difficult to get them off to sleep. A calm lead up to bedtime will help relax ready for sleep. So if things are feeling hectic, take some time to talk softly, sing gently or read to your baby to help you both unwind. You can discover extra insights relating to Sleep Trainers at this Wikipedia page.

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